Dr. Movassaghi’s Three-Level Facelift is “the Next Big Thing in Facial Rejuvenation”
January 31, 2025: Dr. Movassaghi was featured in NewBeauty for his innovative three-level approach to facelifts. The article calls his approach “the next big thing in facial rejuvenation” and explains how the three levels are an expert blend of science and artistry.
Dr. Movassaghi Discusses How Breast Surgery Has Changed in 2024 with New Beauty
October 16, 2024: Dr. Movassaghi was featured in Beyond Size: The Art and Science of Personalized Breast Shaping, a piece by New Beauty where he shares 5 key ways breast surgery has evolved significantly in recent years.
Dr. Movassaghi Appears on Special Episode of the Naked Beauty Live Podcast
September 17, 2024: Dr. Movassaghi was a guest on a special episode of Miami plastic surgeon Dr. Adam J. Rubinstein’s the Naked Beauty Live Podcast in honor of International Patients Safety Day. Watch the full episode on YouTube:
The Aesthetic Society Reports 10.2% Growth in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Over Four Years
July 1, 2024: The Aesthetic Society, the leading authority on aesthetic plastic surgery, has released its annual Aesthetic Plastic Surgery National Databank report for 2023. Dr. Kiya Movassaghi, President of The Aesthetic Society, discusses what the numbers in this latest report have to say about the current landscape of aesthetic plastic surgery.
Dr. Movassaghi Named President of The Aesthetic Society
VANCOUVER, BC, May 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ The Aesthetic Society proudly announces the appointment of Dr. Kiya Movassaghi, a board-certified plastic surgeon from Eugene, OR, as the President of The Aesthetic Society. Dr. Movassaghi’s leadership will focus on strategically fortifying The Society’s position as the global leader in education and innovation in the aesthetic marketplace.

Dr. Movassaghi Published in Plastic Surgery Vol 5: Breast
August 2023: Dr. Movassaghi wrote 2 chapters in the fifth volume of Plastic Surgery by Dr. Peter C. Neligan called “Preoperative Assessment and Planning of the Aesthetic Breast Patient” and “Skin Reduction Using Smile Mastopexy Technique in Breast Reconstruction”. Plastic Surgery is a comprehensive six-volume work that to this day remains the gold standard text in this complex area of surgery.
Dr. Movassaghi Published in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
July 2023: Dr. Kiya Movassaghi and a team of other practitioners together published Prepectoral Two Stage Implant-Based Breast Reconstruction with Poly-4-Hydroxybutyrate (P4HB) for Pocket Control without the use of Acellular Dermal Matrix (ADM): A 4-Year Review in the PRS Journal. This retrospective review of Dr. Movassaghi’s experience was performed over a 4-year span for patients who had undergone immediate two-stage prepectoral implant-based breast reconstruction with P4HB mesh. The review examined complications including implant loss, rippling, capsular contracture, malposition, and patient satisfaction throughout follow up.
Dr. Movassaghi Published in Annals of Plastic Surgery
April 2022: Shaili Gal, MD and Kiya Movassaghi MD, DMD are pleased to announce the publication of Optimizing Aesthetics in Reconstructive Breast Surgery Using Muscle-Sparing Latissimus Dorsi Flap in Radiated and Nonradiated Patients. In the report, they describe the breast reconstruction technique and outcome of muscle-sparing latissimus dorsi flap (MSLDF) in both radiated and nonradiated patients and compare the outcome to our latissimus dorsi musculocutaneous flap (LDMF) patients.
Dr. Movassaghi featured in The Aesthetic Society’s award-winning docuseries “Beyond the Before and After”
Episode 3 of “Beyond the Before and After” features Dr. Movassaghi and his patient, Eva. The film follows Eva’s journey with breast cancer and her path to becoming the new woman she is today. She didn’t want to lose what made her feel feminine and getting breast reconstruction surgery with her double mastectomy made her feel whole again. You can watch the full series and learn more at https://www.theaestheticsociety.org/beyondthebeforeandafter. Dr. Movassaghi has been a proud member of The Aesthetic Society since 2006.
Listen to Dr. Movassaghi on Meet the Doctor
Dr. Movassaghi was interviewed on Meet the Doctor, a podcast that brings you closer to your physician before your first face-to-face encounter, allowing you to make the most of your appointment with them and have more insightful discussions about your medical needs and preferences, making your appointments as informative as possible.
Dr. Movassaghi featured in New Beauty
Dr. Movassaghi’s breast reconstruction patient shares her experience with New Beauty in this touching feature “The Reconstructive Procedure that Helped This Breast Cancer Patient Feel Whole Again“.
Dr. Movassaghi featured in Plastic Surgery Practice
Dr. Movassaghi has served as President of the Northwest Society of Plastic Surgeons (NWSPS) and is featured in Plastic Surgery Practice. NWSPS represents more than 350 member physicians from Washington, Oregon, Idaho, British Columbia, Alaska, and Hawaii.
Oregon Cancer Foundation Elects Niloo Marashi-Movassaghi to Board Presidency
The Board of Directors of the Oregon Cancer Foundation (OCF) has elected Practice Administrator Niloo Marashi-Movassaghi to hold the office of President, a one-year term. Niloo has been an active OCF board member since joining the organization in April of 2018, recently holding the office of Vice President.
“It is such an honor and pleasure to serve in this leadership position supporting local cancer patients and their families,” Niloo said. “Throughout the past decade, OCF has empowered, strengthened, and sustained those impacted by cancer in our community through educational programs, support groups, and financial assistance. All of the funds raised by OCF help patients in Lane County, which makes the Foundation unique. Since 2017 we have provided more than $350,000 in financial assistance for Lane County cancer patients.”
She continued, “We offer more than 50 educational classes each year and more than 35 support groups. And, in 2020, thanks to an incredibly generous bequest, we have added a breast cancer resource coordinator. The work we do would not be possible without the help of hundreds of volunteers and the generous financial support of our community.”
Dr. Movassaghi is a 13x winner of Register-Guard Community’s Choice Award!
The Register-Guard 13th annual Community’s Choice (previously Readers’ Choice) is a community-driven contest where readers vote on “what’s best about living in Lane County”. Dr. Movassaghi is a 13-time winner in the Cosmetic Surgeon category. Ziba Medical Spa was also voted first place for “Best Medical Spa” in 2019, 2022, 2023, and 2024.

Dr. Movassaghi’s seminal breast implant textbook
Dr. Movassaghi is the editor of Shaping the Breast: A Comprehensive Approach in Augmentation, Revision, and Reconstruction, published by Springer in 2021. This book serves as a detailed source of information on the fundamentals of implant-based breast surgery for optimal results and affirms Dr. Movassaghi as one of the pre-eminent authorities on breast augmentation in the U.S.
Dr. Movassaghi featured in Eugene Magazine Spring 2022

Eugene Magazine featured an article about how plastic surgeon, Dr. Kiya Movassaghi, shaped a respected career.
The not-as-typical aspect of this practice … is the expertise and commitment of Dr. Movassaghi to help people be happier with their bodies, including those who are dealing with cancers.
Read the Full Eugene Magazine article here »
Dr. Movassaghi featured in Eugene Magazine “Health & Wellness” Fall 2012
When Dr. Kiya Movassaghi opened his cosmetic surgery practice in Eugene in 2002, there were few options available besides surgery for those looking to tighten skin in certain areas of the body and remove unwanted fat.
“The gap between surgery and no surgery was wide, and there was nothing in between,” says Movassaghi. It was with this in mind that he sought out the latest in noninvasive technologies for body contouring and skin tightening for his practice’s Ziba Medical Spa.
When Dr. Movassaghi moved into his new office at Garden Way Medical Center in 2008, he set it up to include the expanded services of Ziba Medical Spa. He was seeing patients who could benefit from ongoing skin care, patients who could benefit from post-surgical skincare, and patients who were not ready for surgery but wanted to maintain their skin. “I realized very quickly that a medical spa where I could provide these kinds of advanced skincare treatments under medical supervision was necessary,” says Movassaghi.
Ziba (“beautiful” in Persian) offers a wide spectrum of medical-grade spa treatments, including microdermabrasion, peels, laser vein treatment, and laser hair removal & cosmetic laser treatment. “Teaching our patients about great skincare and helping them maintain their skin is part of the whole program,” says practice administrator and office manager Niloo Marashi.
“I not only enjoy doing the surgery, I enjoy the artistic part of it,” says Movassaghi, a Harvard Medical School graduate who also completed his plastic surgery training there. “I see firsthand the impact that I have on people’s lives because I am changing the shape of something they carry with them their whole lives. I think that is a wonderful thing.”
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