Once again, breast augmentation sits at the top of the list for popular cosmetic plastic surgery procedures in the United States. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons’ latest statistics report, almost 300,000 breast augmentation procedures were performed in 2022 alone.
Breast augmentation is also one of our most popular procedures at Movassaghi Plastic Surgery; Eugene breast augmentation surgeon Dr. Kiya Movassaghi is well-known for providing patients with a natural look—so much so that he is frequently called upon to teach his nuanced breast surgery techniques to other surgeons at national meetings.
In helping our Eugene breast augmentation patients prepare for life with their new look, we get a lot of questions about what will happen in the weeks after surgery. If you’re also considering breast surgery and wondering what you’ll feel like afterward, check out these breast augmentation recovery FAQs, based on real patient questions.
Dr. Kiya Movassaghi is a highly respected board-certified plastic surgeon with more than 20 years of experience in the field. His extensive surgical expertise, combined with an exceptional aesthetic eye, ensures that patients receive stunning, natural-looking results.
How long will my breasts be swollen after breast augmentation?
Swelling is normal after breast augmentation—it is your body’s natural response to the trauma of surgery. For most patients, swelling and associated discomfort peaks in the first 3 days or so, and then gradually begins to subside. The bulk of swelling usually goes down within the first 6 weeks, and then continues to wane over a few more months. By 3 to 4 months post-op, slight residual swelling may still exist, but should no longer obscure your results.
Your surgeon’s skill and techniques can make a significant difference in how much trauma your tissues are subjected to during surgery, so your best defense against excessive swelling is choosing an experienced, board certified plastic surgeon. If you experience a rapid increase in swelling after breast augmentation, contact your surgeon ASAP to rule out any complications.
Will I have to sleep on my back after I get breast implants?
Yes, you will have to sleep on your back for a couple of months after breast augmentation, both to avoid unnecessarily straining your incisions and to help keep post-op swelling to a minimum. If you’re normally a side or stomach sleeper, practice ahead of time, using extra pillows to support your arms, shoulders and sides and to help prevent you from turning over in the middle of the night—or try some of these other clever techniques to help you make the switch. Typically, restrictions on sleeping position are lifted after about two months. After that, do what feels most comfortable to you.
When can I have sex after breast augmentation?
You’ll have to avoid vigorous activities of all types, including sex, for at least 3 to 4 weeks after surgery. Exercise raises your blood pressure, and raising blood pressure too soon after an operation increases risk for internal bleeding, stresses incision sites, and can lead to complications that could harm your health and compromise your results.
Once your plastic surgeon says it’s safe to resume sex, start out gently at first, and avoid any positions or activities that put strain or pressure on your chest. A good rule of thumb—if it hurts, don’t do it!
Are shooting pains normal after breast augmentation?
Tingling, numbness and sometimes intense, shooting pains in your nipples or breasts are all normal after breast augmentation. These sensations occur as nerve endings repair themselves in the months following surgery. Typically, these sensations are most frequent or pronounced a few weeks after surgery, and gradually taper off.
Gentle self-massage can help “turn off” the nerve signal and ease the sensation; however, check with your plastic surgeon before trying any massage to ensure you are using a safe amount of pressure.

How long does it take breast implants to settle?
After breast augmentation, your tissues need time to adjust to the presence of a breast implant. At first, implants sit high and firm on the chest. As your skin, breast tissue and muscles relax, your breast implants will settle or “drop and fluff” into their intended position. This usually takes 3 to 4 months, but can take up to 6 months if you receive larger implants or have firmer than average tissues to begin with.
It’s common for one breast to settle faster than the other, causing an asymmetrical appearance temporarily. Don’t worry—the other breast will catch up. However, if after 6 months, you still feel your breast implants are not in the right position, tell your plastic surgeon. You may simply need more time, but your surgeon can help you rule out any problems.
When is it safe to lift objects after breast augmentation?
Giving your chest muscles and breast tissue time to heal after breast augmentation is essential for a great final result—and straining these tissues by lifting weights, groceries or toddlers too soon after surgery compromises this process. In general, lifting objects over 10 pounds is off-limits for the first 3 weeks; heavier lifting is off-limits for longer (follow your surgeon’s instructions). If you have small children, tell your plastic surgeon. They can help you understand how much help you may need at home and for how long.
If you have work-related lifting concerns, be sure to discuss the specifics with your surgeon so that they can provide suggestions for keeping yourself safe during your recovery.
Have more questions about breast augmentation recovery?
We hope we’ve answered a few questions you have about breast augmentation recovery, but there’s a good chance you have more. The best way to get answers is to meet with a board certified plastic surgeon. Eugene plastic surgeon Dr. Kiya Movassaghi has over 20 years of experience with cosmetic and reconstructive breast surgery, and he will be happy to discuss your questions and concerns at a consultation. Contact our Eugene office today to schedule yours!
Have additional questions about breast augmentation recovery? Leave a comment below.Areas served:
References »
American Society of Plastic Surgeons. 2022 Plastic Surgery Statistics Report. Accessed 10/24/2024.
6 Comments Posted to "How Long Will My Breasts Be Swollen + 5 More Questions You Have About Breast Augmentation Recovery"
I was done my breast aug.surgery last weeks 9days from now. I have concern about my breast ,everytime when I go to bed I fell something wierd and uncomfortable about my whole body , at night time, my body temperarture are going to high, like Felling have a fever , its so hot inside of my body specially my chest , I was using ice pack to put it on my back to help releif the heatness of my body. Also how to do massage for my breast week ago for surgery ? Is it safe to massage it scared it might cause bleeding inside of skin envelop ,so when can I do perform to massgage my breast? Hope to hear your reply thank you and God bless
Hi Ismaelita, Thank you for reaching out. It would be a good idea to contact your doctor or plastic surgeon. If you were our patient and having multiple concerns as you describe, we would want to see you to rule out anything that might need attention. Please feel free to call our office at 541-686-8700 if you have any questions!
I am 5 weeks posts op and my left side breast under my armpits is still swollen. Is this normal. My right side feels fine. I had trans-ax. My incision on my left is also not fully healed.
Hi Suzanne, thank you for your comment. Without seeing you in person we cannot offer direct medical advice. In general, mild asymmetrical swelling can last a couple of months after breast augmentation; however, swelling that is persistent, getting worse, or accompanied by pain should be checked by a doctor. Incisions can appear bright pink for many months after surgery, but difficulty healing should also be checked by your plastic surgeon. Good luck!
I’m 8 days into my pre op! I’ve had uplift an breast implants my breast are massive a lot bigger then wanted will they drop down an go soft
Mine tooo!!! What happened to you did your breast go smaller? Im so scared i dont want it to look like this im in my 7days aftet getting it done pls answer is this gonna look normal its so big i dint want it