Not Loving Your Neck? Try these Styling Tips (or Look at Neck Improvement Options that Last)

considering treatment for aging neck

The beauty world is awash in advice for camouflaging fine lines, freckles, and other flaws on the face and skin, but when it comes to figuring out how to hide a double chin or downplay an aging neck, the beauty tips seem fewer and farther between.

That’s too bad, because neck negativity is pretty common. With some of the most delicate skin on our bodies, the neck is often the first place where wrinkles and sagging skin start to show. And, if you’re genetically inclined to store fat beneath the chin, a smooth, graceful jawline may seem impossible to obtain.

Given this, we were glad to come across these quick and easy styling tactics from PureWow, which look smart and draw attention away from the neck. While yes, a turtleneck is one of their suggestions, we bet there are several tips inside you haven’t thought of—did you know that a light, flirty lob isn’t only trendy, but keeps the focus on your face, from the chin up?

If your neck isn’t your favorite feature, check it out. Or…

Consider a longer-lasting solution to get a neck contour you love

While the article offers some great strategies for downplaying neck problems, wouldn’t it be even better to have a neckline you’re proud to show off? Rejuvenating or even changing your neck and jawline contours are more doable than you may think. Here are just a few options to consider:

  • Radiofrequency (RF) microneedling. This non-invasive treatment uses radiofrequency technology to rebuild collagen, tighten skin, and restore smoother, firmer skin without surgery, scars or downtime. Results can last well over a year and even postpone the need for neck lift surgery for several years.
  • Neck Lift Surgery. If you have significant wrinkles and folds along the neck, surgery may be your best bet. While a neck lift requires a few weeks of downtime, it’s the most effective way to fix sagging neck skin and eliminate a “turkey wattle.” Plus, liposuction can be performed at the same time to reduce excess chin fat, or a neck lift can be combined with a facelift to reduce heavy jowls and enhance the overall result.
  • CoolMini. This is CoolSculpting for a double chin, using an attachment designed to fit beneath the chin for optimal fat reduction in this small area. The CoolMini selectively destroys fat cells beneath the chin, helping reduce fullness and achieve a more slender, distinct jawline. Results take about 3 months to show optimally, but are meant to last as long as you maintain a stable weight.
  • Chin Augmentation. Patients with a “weak” chin often feel their neck looks too full. In such cases, adding strength to the chin can dramatically improve the appearance of the neckline. During a chin augmentation, a permanent, custom-fit implant is placed around the chin bone through a small incision inside the mouth. Typically, less than one week of downtime is required.

Whether the PureWow styling tips are enough to help you see your neck in a more positive light, or you want to make more lasting changes, we are here to help. Eugene plastic surgeon Dr. Kiya Movassaghi is board certified in plastic surgery and has additional residency training in facial reconstruction (maxillofacial surgery)—he understands the importance of maintaining your natural characteristics while enhancing your features.

He also offers all of the above treatments (and more!) for improving your neckline at our practice in Eugene. Contact us today for a personal consultation to learn more about your options.

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